
Welcome to my guestbook, where you can see what previous visitors think about this site and my projects and articles. Many thanks to everyone who has left messages - your feedback really is appreciated!

Guestbook entries from April 2008 (2)

    • Bill
    • Montreal CANADA
    • 22 April, 2008

    Your unit is very interesting...

    I'm looking to add remote controlled volume to my pre-amp. I also want balanced connections (which are basically 4 channels & your unit has 6 channels).


    • Jake Hughes
    • England, UK
    • 20 April, 2008

    I have to say, you have inspired me to build my own solid-state amplifier when I saw your GCSE project! I am amazed at how complex it is and how good it must sound! I'm 15 (but not doing a DT/CDT GCSE sadly) and I've always wanted to design my own integrated amp...but never had the know-how. If you could give me a few quick pointers I would be very greatful!

    I hope all your other projects are going well! I too love Rogers speakers (never was a ls3/5a fan though...not enough dynamics for me) and I too use Arcam products (current system is the Arcam FMJ A32 with Arcam CD73T and Wharfedale EVO2 30 speakers).

    Kind regards,

    Jake Hughes.