
Welcome to my guestbook, where you can see what previous visitors think about this site and my projects and articles. Many thanks to everyone who has left messages - your feedback really is appreciated!

Guestbook entries from 2002 (36)

    • Paul Williams
    • Portsmouth, UK
    • 14 December, 2002

    Thanks Mark, really good stuff, good content and style! I had been a Z80 fiend in the early days until the Mrs made me put away the 'bits of wire'. My son now has a GCSE project with PICs ('F627 flavour) and I am trying to catch up, but I recognise the principles are the same for all PICs. I also find is useful.

    Keep up the DIY, but don't forget some ventilation with the insulation etc. Professionlly I too often come across 'damp' when in fact it is condensation either on the surface or as interstitial condensation - so try to use a vapour barrier to keep it dry but let it breathe. Oops sorry, I'm lecturing... Bye.

    • Leo Lau
    • Hong Kong
    • 28 November, 2002

    Excellent! Good Diy Website...I'm wait for new projector...

    • John Daniel
    • Bedfordshire, UK
    • 27 November, 2002

    Hi Mark,
    Really nice site.
    I hate how tidy your workshop looks. Hard to warrant any work goes on there ;-)
    Linked to your site from DIY audio forum.

    • Bami
    • The Netherlands
    • 25 November, 2002

    Good site...:)

    • Brian Phillips
    • Iver Bucks, UK
    • 25 November, 2002

    A great site, Mark. How do you find the time to maintain it?

    We have a lot in common - BBC, IPK cases, RC volume controls, pcbs that are a work of art...

    Keep up the good work, and thanks for the tip on the new displays.

    • Jeff Chen
    • Taiwan
    • 19 November, 2002

    Hi Mark:
    I'm very interest in your Dual PSU, also like your remote control preamp.

    • Bill Annau
    • Edinburgh Scotland
    • 25 November, 2002

    Hi. Love your site. I am likewise a lover of Rogers loudspeakers; I have LS7s, Studio 1s and until recently, LS5/8s (ex BBC Edinburgh). My first Rogers were LS6s, but I found I needed more bottom end, hence, the LS7s. Unfortunately, my Studio 1s were damaged when my Cyrus II amp blew it's o/p. However, I have replaced the damaged LF unit, but noticed that some of the capacitors on the crosover were a bit discoloured. Do you have any info on the components used in this xover? I would like to replace the offending components but can't identify their values because of the discolouration. Hope you can help.

    Bill Annau

    • Koi Lee Loh
    • Singapore
    • 15 November, 2002

    I own a MF A1 and the input selector is faulty as I do not hear definite clicks. Just a smooth turn to select one input from another. Just checking to see if you have a solution.


    • Arnold Lieberman
    • Essex, UK
    • 14 November, 2002

    Amazing site! You're doing all the sorts of things that I never seem to have time for (kids, wife in the way). I've not started on PIC programming yet, but it looks like the way to go, if i can't get my HTPC doing what I want it to do.

    • Laurie K.L.Chan
    • Hong Kong
    • 14 November, 2002

    Dear Mark,

    It is a pleasure to visit your site. Great work. I am experienced in analogue but not digital (I belong to the older generation). I don't quite understand the digital volume control with the BB chips.

    I wish to implement such control into my IC preamp project that uses the current feedback chips in parellel config which already designed. I am wondering if you could help me with straight forward circuit diagram with BB volume control with remote function and FL display?
    Best regards

    • Richard Savary
    • Quebec City, Canada
    • 12 November, 2002

    Simply astonishing.....

    How did you get all this information ???

    I've search for a long time information regarding the A1. Seems my "quest" has finally come to an end !!

    On top of that, you had the presence of mind to ad on your web page a "bookmark" shortcut. An additionnal bookmark with my existing 200 audio links....

    • quan vu
    • USA
    • 10 November, 2002

    Very good site.
    keep up the good work.
    any further follow up with ls5/9, please post :)

    • Tony
    • Essex
    • 4 November, 2002

    Excellent Site. Just wish mine was this far advanced (damm new javascript ideas keep forcing re-writes). Don't know where you get the time. I'm just getting into Pic's so I read your pre-amp project with interest. Keep up the good work, I'll check back soon. Hopefully with my F9 website up and running too.

    • Roberto
    • ITALY, Rimini town
    • 30 October, 2002

    BEST SITE!!!!



    • Claus H
    • Denmark
    • 29 October, 2002

    Really Cool site..

    • David John
    • Malaysia
    • 20 October, 2002

    I had an A1,then the Typhoon.They both had similar problems with volume levels and am happy to see how you overcame them. I have bookmarked your site and will re-visit to see your updates. Thank You.

    • prugnieres philippe
    • France
    • 24 September, 2002

    You have a good site for inovation audio good luck for continuation.

    • William Cameron
    • Dunstable, Beds., UK
    • 7 September, 2002

    Hi Mark, stumbled across your site whilst "googling" for info on Rogers LS7s! I've really enjoyed browsing it, even though much of it is over my head electronically... superb lay-out, easy to navigate, well written, informative, etc., etc - I'll let you add extra superlatives:-)

    Just to add that I'm on my 3rd pair of LS7s...I just can't seem to find anything else that's as complete sounding! I was toying with the idea of bi-wiring, and was interested to note your comments - food for thought...
    Anyway, you're now book-marked - keep up the good work!
    Best wishes,

    • Chris Found
    • UK
    • 27 August, 2002

    Excellent site, would like to converse with you about the pic routine for the preamp, have done some work on two designs one which is on my site and the other is in my living room.

    • tony
    • Australia
    • 14 August, 2002

    great site,particularly rogers speakers information

    • ron mackay
    • UK, Scotland!
    • 31 July, 2002

    Just got a pair of 5/8s myself, modded with neutrik 4w connectors (speakcon) and working on re-laminating with a nice light burr eucalyptus possibly. They were bashed but good nick ex-BBC. The amps are next years work. Interested in your Preamp but OTT for me may build Doug Selfs kit with extra i/p and shove a balancing and H/P stage on the end. You spend some time on the site but worth it! I know from pratting about on mine, not for release yet. Ron

    • Richard Thompson
    • UK
    • 27 July, 2002

    Great web site !!!

    All the info on Rogers LS 5/8s remind me of my time in BBC BH London 84-88.

    Well done on an excelent site.

    Cheers Richard Thompson.

    • David Lugosi
    • EU, Hungary
    • 19 July, 2002

    Hello Mark, I just sit here with fallen cheek. Never seen such precise and thorough handwork documented free for DIY-ers. Almost all DIY stuff on net is realized in crap quality. If not, it is no DIY any longer. To me you are the first who takes all the bother to make things as professional as possible and share the result with the DIY community.
    All the best and keep on creating such things!

    • Marcello Pellerano
    • Italy
    • 5 July, 2002

    Great site, Mark.
    I built an LS3/5A clone, years ago, and I recognized the whole project. And the other stuff is very interesting, too. Very nice job, really.

    • Iain Lamb
    • UK
    • 11 June, 2002

    A splendid bit of work. You've definitely got a sense of humour, and at the same time passionate about your work.

    I am particularly fascinated by the A1 stuff. I have one too, and for a long period I was utterly addicted to it. I rediscovered my music with it. Took it to bits when I got home, and like you was alarmed at the lack of heat transfer compound between U section and heat sink.

    • Les Wolstenholme
    • Chesterfield
    • 27 May, 2002

    Very nice site which is informative and easy to navigate.
    Should enhance the hobby of audio 'tweaking' to a lot of folks.

    Best wishes for the future,

    Les - Avondale Audio - Chesterfield UK

    • Edgardo
    • Argentina
    • 24 May, 2002

    Beatifull and interesting page. Congratulations.

    • John Emmerson
    • London UK
    • 16 May, 2002

    Mark, Thanks for the excellent info on the Rogers LS7. Nice to find someone who appreciates the qualities of this older stuff, and even nicer to find someone who wants to share his info with the rest of us. After reading your pages I now aspire to a pair of LS5/ day. Very interesting project pages too, nicely presented, and I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

    • Stefan Gustavsson
    • Sweden
    • 2 April, 2002

    Thanks for good info about the A1! I've two of them but they are both broken right now ... I haven't repaired them mostly because the very irritating mechanical construction. It's hard to troubleshoot when you can't run it without the top on ...

    But I've to fix them soon because it's a well sounding and classical amplifier. When I've both up and running I can disable my radiators ;)

    Regards Stefan.

    • Andrew
    • Australia
    • 2 May, 2002

    Very interesting and useful. Also very informative. Keep up the good work..

    • Miki
    • Canada
    • 1 May, 2002

    Excellent site. Keep up the exelent work.

    • Pedro Martins
    • Portugal
    • 4 April, 2002

    Hi! Just great! Nice design and easy navigation. Keep going and I'm waiting for more material here. I'm a DIY'er too. See:
    It's in portuguese, of course ;)
    Soon in english.
    Best regards.

    • P.W. Ramlix Leung
    • Hong Kong
    • 31 March, 2002

    This is a excellent DIY web site! I am looking forward to see more good and new DIY web pages in this web site! Well done!

    • Michael Bornemnan
    • Germany
    • 25 March, 2002

    Hi Mark, it's a great site, indeed. I'm thinking about buying a A-1 David, perhaps i will be so lucky to get it.

    "Into the Blue"

    • Jacky Liu
    • China
    • 14 March, 2002

    Very good personal website! Especially helpful for my MF A1 amplifier. Thank you very much!

    • Wolfgang Schulz
    • Germany
    • 10 March, 2002

    Thanks a lot for the detailed information about the A1.

    When I found your site I actually was looking for a circiut diagram to fix my Rotel MB 100 mono blocks. But I'm also interested in buying an Musical Fidelity.

    Chears Wolfgang.