
Welcome to my guestbook, where you can see what previous visitors think about this site and my projects and articles. Many thanks to everyone who has left messages - your feedback really is appreciated!

Guestbook entries from September 2003 (1)

    • steve depoix
    • Southampton
    • 26 September, 2003

    Yeah, site very good and easy to navigate around. Your collection of sound eqpt quite interesting and similar in a way to mine. I've gone for good quality older stuff too, Quad, Tannoys, Thorens/Sme, Revox A and B77's etc . Would tactfully suggest you try a more solid mount for the turntable and get it off the pine shelving...but it does look like you've had your hands full over the last two years doing the workshop and shed etc ! :-)

    Once again, great site

    Well done !