
Welcome to my guestbook, where you can see what previous visitors think about this site and my projects and articles. Many thanks to everyone who has left messages - your feedback really is appreciated!

Guestbook entries from March 2003 (3)

    • PJ
    • Sweden...
    • 29 March, 2003

    Great site...
    Really has given me inspiration to keep on building my own stuff...

    • John Bell
    • UK
    • 18 March, 2003

    Excellent site, a great read! You and I have a great deal in common. My company was based immediately next door to Rogers Loudspeakers for 18 years and we also developed and made the PCB's for the Musical Fidelity A1 and all MF amps from No 1 until 1990/91 when MF decided to have them all made in the far east! Yes, like much of the UK hifi industry, the guts of the amps (not the final assembly of course) are made in places with names I cannot pronounce!

    • Frank Mc Alinden
    • Aus...
    • 4 March, 2003

    Hi Mark,
              One of the guys on the UKHA Home automation list mentioned your site for some pic info so had to have a look...Just drooled looking at the workshop photos and although not an audio electronics type found the articles interesting...Looking forward to some more pic projects..
    keep up the good work