
Welcome to my guestbook, where you can see what previous visitors think about this site and my projects and articles. Many thanks to everyone who has left messages - your feedback really is appreciated!

Guestbook entries from April 2014 (4)

    • Kelvin Naylor
    • Northampton and Qatar
    • 29 April, 2014

    What a tidy and comprehensive site.
    Superb work as well
    I will also be returning to digest more.
    Thank you so much

    • Larry Gold
    • West Texas, USA
    • 28 April, 2014

    I just stumbled upon your terrific website, precisely the "PIC" portion describing programming among other topics.

    It never seems to amaze me that the better tutorials and information regarding all facets of the PIC Micros come from other countries other than the USA. Our educators don't seem to put a great deal of emphasis on microcontrollers or electronics (until the college level.) By contrast, math begins in the early grades of schooling.

    I'm having difficulty at times grasping the programming aspect of PIC's which leads me to the following. Since each author of PIC tutorials writes in his or her manner and doesn't know my limited knowledge, I gain some additional info but I don't feel I have yet mastered it.

    Your information is quite detailed, but so easy to understand and offers so much more that I can't stop reading it. I thank you for myself and others who are fascinated by the PIC for sharing all this info free of charge.

    Larry Gold

    • Gennaro Piscopo
    • Sydney, Australia
    • 19 April, 2014

    Excellent website, I've used this site over many years and have only just returned prior to purchasing my second pair of Rogers speakers. I'm now the proud owner of the Studio Ones and LS6.
    Unfortunately the LS6 have a blown bass driver. Hopefully I'll be able to get them repaired. Your website has been enhanced and is not only well constructed but the premier reference site for the vintage Rogers brand.
    I commend you on your attention to detail.
    Should you require any photos, please let me know.

    • Chris Spreckley
    • Manchester, England
    • 8 April, 2014

    Great site as I am just learning PIC Assembler at the age of 74.