
Welcome to my guestbook, where you can see what previous visitors think about this site and my projects and articles. Many thanks to everyone who has left messages - your feedback really is appreciated!

Guestbook entries from August 2010 (2)

    • Francis Janurius
    • Malaysia
    • 11 August, 2010

    This is the first time I am coming across such a complex preamp. It has completely blown my mind. I may not be making this design, but it has certainly inspired me to carry on with my DIY audio work. I have been stagnant for a number of years, as components are easy to come by over here.
    keep up the good work.




    • rkelly
    • San Francisco
    • 4 August, 2010

    thanks for itching the scratch that so many of us have as found listeners of our Rogers speakers. Your conclusion of the sound quality of the LS5/9 was spot on. Love my LS2, LS6 & LS5/9's. Don't have enough rooms in the house for any more.