Dual PSU

Picture of the Dual PSU (17K)I reckon that every electronics hobbyist should build at least one general-purpose bench PSU. Apart from being an invaluable piece of kit, the project will cover a reasonably wide range of topics, making it a very worthwhile learning exercise.

This unit is slightly unusual. When originally conceiving the project back in 1992, I was studying op-amps and small-signal analogue electronics. So I decided that I needed a precision, low noise, low drift dual power-supply with accurate supply tracking modes. Looking around, I noted that most dual units offering a tracking function were somewhat imprecise, and I felt I could improve on them by choosing a different configuration...

Back in 1999, I got the chance to turn the prototypes into a working unit. To be completely honest, I still haven't quite finished debugging the design, but it's basically working and has been in constant use since then...

  • Introduction/Pictures - More on the initial specification, and pictures of the unit.
  • Circuit details - Well, simplified block diagrams, at least...
  • Testing - There's a surprising amount of parameters to test...
  • To-do - There's still plenty to do...